
Black ink Learn more about Black ink

  • Is the black ink orchid very common? Does the enterprise black ink orchid blossom fragrance? price

    Is the black ink orchid very common? Does the enterprise black ink orchid blossom fragrance? price

    Which breed do you like, Meran? Do you know Ji Hei Mo Lan? This kind of ink orchid is loved by many people who like it. What are the characteristics of this variety of ink orchid? Let's take a look. The black ink orchid is also known as the mountains and swords. It's four.

    2019-03-21 Enterprise black ink orchid very ordinary Mo florescence bloom flower fragrance price
  • Enterprise black (enterprise sword black ink) ink orchid

    Enterprise black (enterprise sword black ink) ink orchid

    Enterprise sword black ink, referred to as enterprise black, is an important horticultural variety of ink orchid. This kind of plant type is tall and straight and majestic, the leaves are straight and oil-green, and it has the beauty of passing through mountains and rivers. It is called Shanchuan newspaper in South Korea. Shunde sells more than 2 million gladiolus to South Korea every year, and most orchid plantations in Shunde take planting enterprise black as the main variety. We need to know about the life of enterprise black.

  • Black ink evergreen or fallen leaves?

    Black ink evergreen or fallen leaves?

    Black ink evergreen or fallen leaves? Black ink is an evergreen tree with a height of 8m and 10m. The flowering and fruiting period is from spring to summer. The fruit is edible. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability, developed root system, deep main root, strong wind resistance, fire resistance, drought resistance, rapid growth, strong sprouting ability, strong water holding capacity and so on.

    2020-11-08 Black ink evergreen or fallen leaves black ink or fallen leaves for
  • Nine-striped dragon carp show symptoms of disease.

    Nine-striped dragon carp show symptoms of disease.

    Jiuwenglong koi introduced the species of Jiuwulong koi that was once thought to be only found in Germany, but originally this koi is a by-product of the black carp system, which seems to refer to a variety of common carp. The white ground is white and beautiful, and the sharp edges of black ink lines will attract people's attention. But in ink black float.

  • How to cultivate a grass turtle into an ink turtle

    How to cultivate a grass turtle into an ink turtle

    For turtle lovers, it is very rare to raise a black ink turtle, and the problem of how grass turtles grow into ink turtles also troubles many novice turtle breeders. Let's listen to the editor of How do grass turtles become ink turtles? First of all, pick

    2020-11-11 Grass turtles how to cultivate ink turtles for turtles enthusiasts
  • Banqiao ink orchid: Banqiao ink orchid

    Banqiao ink orchid: Banqiao ink orchid

    Spring Orchid boutique color flower-Banqiao ink, is the representative of the color flower, the color is purple and black, the flower is out of the shelf, the flower is large, a pair of scape flowers, extremely precious, is the treasure of the black flower, has won many awards. Sichuan Chunlan traditional famous products, flowers, purple-black (without shading or color), stable color, with the traditional national orchid.

  • How to raise black ink orchid

    How to raise black ink orchid

    Cymbidium is different from the general orchid, its plant is taller, the root system is stronger, and the pseudobulb is also relatively large. But it is easier to raise, and it is also easier to compound flowers. It is a kind of flower that everyone likes. When the flowers are in bloom, they are not coquettish, beautiful and refined.

    2020-11-08 Enterprise black ink orchid how raise enterprise black and in general orchid
  • Ink orchid leaf sword orchid: what does the ink orchid leaf sword look like? What are the characteristics of the sword orchid?

    Ink orchid leaf sword orchid: what does the ink orchid leaf sword look like? What are the characteristics of the sword orchid?

    The predecessor of "Black Diamond" was a variety of Chrysanthemum morifolium, which was called "Ye Jian" in the mainland, but now it has been renamed "Black Diamond" in Taiwan. This orchid is characterized by crystal sweeping at the leaf tip, 'dark green transparent glass art' on the back, stable art phase, chrysanthemum petal flowers and fragrant flowers.

  • Fish culture method "common freshwater ornamental fish"

    Fish culture method

    The white background of Dazheng trichromatic body is dotted with red and black markings # the background color of pure Dazheng tricolor koi is pure white # must not contain other miscellaneous colors.

  • The difference between grass turtles and ink turtles

    The difference between grass turtles and ink turtles

    Grass turtles and ink turtles are actually the same kind of turtles, and ink turtles are just mature male grass turtles. Some of the male grass turtles begin to blacken after they mature, that is, ink turtles. Ink turtles are mature male grass turtles, generally divided into carbon ink, flower ink, and silver ink. Carbon

    2020-11-11 Grass turtle and ink turtle the difference between grass turtle and ink turtle in fact
  • Black ink peach

    Black ink peach

    Black ink peach, also known as Hainan Putao, originated in India and the Malay Islands. The fruit is dark purple to black, with a length of 1.0-2.0 cm. The improved variety has large eggs, thin skin, thick meat, juicy, slightly acidic and slightly astringent, for fresh food or salinization, immature fruit can be made into vinegar, ripe fruit can be brewed and sprinkled. It is suitable for tropical climate and grows well on calcareous soil.

  • What are the important differences between Dazheng tricolor koi and red and white koi

    What are the important differences between Dazheng tricolor koi and red and white koi

    Dazheng tricolor is named Dazheng tricolor if there are red and black markings on the white background. Only erythema but no black spots on the head, black stripes on the pectoral fins are the basic conditions, and red and white are the representative species of koi. Taisho tricolor development history Taisho tricolor is Hoshino.

  • What are the characteristics of Baibijia koi

    What are the characteristics of Baibijia koi

    The white nail brocade carp has white or red as the background color and the back is covered with ink spots of different shapes and sizes, which is in sharp contrast to the background color because of its small ink spot area, so it looks like a nail, so it is called a special nail. Don't armour is also called don't light.

  • Black apple ink orchid

    Black apple ink orchid

    The new variety of ink orchid does not open its tongue and does not roll up the apple tongue.

  • What are the morphological characteristics of Cyprinus Carpio

    What are the morphological characteristics of Cyprinus Carpio

    As a kind of writing carp, Hibiscus koi is made up of red and black as a whole. Its unique color and zebra features make it very easy to identify and identify. The general gossip brocade carp are scarlet red all over the body, some of them are shiny, seen from a distance.

  • Is Moyi koi good-looking? what breeding skills do you have?

    Is Moyi koi good-looking? what breeding skills do you have?

    Moyi koi introduces that Moyi koi is a kind of koi, which is produced by crossing red and white koi or tricolor koi with light yellow koi. Moyi koi can be said to combine the advantages of these two kinds of koi, more beautiful, like.

  • The difference between ink turtles and grass turtles

    The difference between ink turtles and grass turtles

    The ink turtle, also known as the tortoise, is a kind of turtle under the turtle family. Let's introduce the difference between ink turtles and grass turtles. First, the difference between ink turtles and grass turtles, ink turtles are grass turtles, but when the male grass turtles grow up, the whole body will turn black under the stimulation of sex hormones in the body.

    2020-11-11 The difference between the ink turtle and the grass turtle the ink tortoise also known as the tortoise is
  • Culture techniques of Dazheng tricolor koi carp in pill point

    Culture techniques of Dazheng tricolor koi carp in pill point

    The pill spot Dazheng tricolor koi introduces the pill spot Dazheng tricolor. First of all, there is an independent ball-shaped red and white in the center of the head, skipping the shoulder to the tail showing two kinds of markings, namely, erythema and ink spot. in general, the appearance of erythema will be redundant ink spots.

  • Black Peony profile | appreciation of Black Peony Flower Pictures

    Black Peony profile | appreciation of Black Peony Flower Pictures

    Black Peony profile | appreciation of Black Peony Flower Pictures

  • Why are black flowers rare?

    Why are black flowers rare?

    In people's cognition, flowers are colorful, colorful, only rarely see black flowers. This problem has been bothering Xiaobian, I believe many friends are as curious about this problem as Xiaobian. So today...
